
Blessings Christian Dating Counselors are Relationship Champions!

Blessings Christian Dating Counselors work with dating, engaged, or married couples in churches, counseling centers, and communities. They help couples identify their relationship strengths, gain understanding about the underlying dynamics that influence their communication, and then help couples develop skills to improve their growth areas. Counselors work with couples in facilitator/couple relationships, small groups, retreats, marriage mentor programs, church-wide formats, and many other settings.

In the Church

Pastors and church leaders long to give couples in their congregation the gifts of awareness, understanding, and skills to assist them on a path to a healthy, life-long relationship. Blessings Christian Dating illuminates insights so your time spent with couples can be focused where couples actually need help navigating. Invigorate your marriage ministry by using the power of an assessment to enrich the experience.

In Counseling

Counselors of all types use Blessings Christian Dating to quickly understand the couple at the dyadic and individual level, allowing you to help them navigate the dynamics and complexity of their relationship. Blessings Christian Dating provides an objective report and framework for feedback that can be molded to fit any specific counseling discipline. You will confidently be able to give the couple a deeper experience by starting with an assessment.

In Your World

Blessings Christian Dating enables relationship coaches, adoption workers, foster care workers and chaplains, along with leaders in faith communities and government agencies, to quickly and objectively gain a snap shot of a couple's relationship to inform their work. As a professional, you will benefit from the customized insights and related skill building exercises to help couples enrich and improve their relationship.


Customized report results enable you to guide pre-marital couples into relevant conversations about their strength areas, growth areas, and potential blind spots.


Keep the flame that initially ignited the relationship burning strong by giving couples the opportunity to discover themselves and their relationship in new ways.


Most if not all relationships go through hard times. Gain insights to understand the why behind what is going on to bring healing and restoration.

Contact us at to arrange a counseling session or take our one-time online pre-marriage course!